Small Farms & Producers

Making lasting change for our planet starts with supporting our community and choosing our partners with care. We source our herbs from local farmers whose sustainable farming methods are just one piece of how they are dedicated to the earth. Our farmers are families whose love for the land drew them to the North Fork valley because of its clean air, clean water and community roots.

Grey Owl Garden

Chinese herbs - locally!

Chinese herbs - locally!

Medicinal herb geek, Matt Springer, is on the forefront of growing Chinese herbs in the US on his small family farm in Paonia, CO. Matt gets to know the plants in a deep, intuitive way and his growing practices and results reflect his profound dedication.

Rock N' Roots Farm

Creating Products to Nurture People and Regenerate the Land

Farm Grown Wellness

Rock N’ Roots Farm is more than a farm. We are a family farm that strives to use an integrative approach to ensure that our products, the land and our food are accessible so our community can thrive and attain more vitality and fulfillment in their lives.

We partner with farms who place values over profit, whose farming practices enrich their land, whose hearts are centered in their communities.

Sustainable Resiliant

Our ideal partners are farms who prioritize the health of the land, community, and quality of their product. We strive to work with producers that uphold regenerative farming practices, are located on the Western Slope, and offer ethical and fair wages. We look for partners that strive to be ethical on every level of production. Our herbs come from small farms, organically grown or certified organic, some following biodynamic principles, low or no till principles. Send us an email to apply >

Ground Roots Medicine

We believe in returning control of our health to our local community by offering innovative yet proven medical treatments that bring hope back to our health, by growing and producing our own medicines whenever possible, and by supporting local farmers to grow medicine.